Clyde Street

Learning, Teaching, Performing

Visiting Ballarat


I have an opportunity to visit the University of Ballarat this week and I am looking forward to meeting staff in the School of Human Movement and Sport Sciences.

The School is holding a two-day workshop and I have been invited to join them. I have prepared a presentation titled Edgeless Challenges and Opportunities. In my presentation I would like to discuss the ‘edgeless’ characteristics discussed by Robert E. Lang and Peter Bradwell in order to explore some possibilities for personal professional development. I think Charles Leadbeater’s ideas will help too.

I am fascinated by personal stories. I like the idea that “stories have consequences, but stories change, and how and why they do is the heart of the human enterprise”.

I aim to focus on the opportunities part of my presentation and explore some ideas around personal growth.

I am travelling from one old gold town to another for this workshop. I am travelling too from near the Monga National Park where pinkwoods (Eucryphia moorei) establish themselves in tree ferns as part of their growth process.

Photo Credits

SMB Student Amenities’ Centre

Looking for gators

New Beginnings

Author: Keith Lyons

Clyde Street has been my WordPress blog since June 2008. I write about learning, teaching and performing.

3 thoughts on “Visiting Ballarat

  1. A lovely presentation. Speeks for itself (which I think is a test of a good presentation).

  2. Leigh

    Thank you for visiting the post and for your comment. I find Flickr to be an incredible resource.

    Best wishes


  3. Pingback: Staff Development Day 1: Ballarat | Clyde Street

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